Government Relations

Advanced Capitol Consulting has over a decade of experience influencing decision makers in all areas of government. Our extensive network covers a wide range of contacts with key members of Congress and their staff, on both sides of the aisle, as well as Administrative officials. Over the past several years we have focused on building relationships with members of Congress that serve in leadership positions and on committees that impact the business community.

We have strong knowledge of the technical and procedural phases of the legislative and Administrative policy-making process. We use this knowledge to monitor, and impact, legislation being considered in the U.S. Congress, as well as regulatory proposals being considered by the Administration. This knowledge allows Advanced Capitol Consulting to immediately articulate your message on Capitol Hill. 


The key to building strong grassroots advocacy programs is teaching and motivating members of key interest groups.  We have a proven track record of doing just that. 

We have built strong coalitions around proposals that promote legislative and regulatory success.  In addition we have shown success in organizing programs and fostering relationships between members of Congress and their constituents. 

Political Action Committees

Advanced Capitol Consulting has demonstrated success in increasing the viability and credibility of political action committees.  We have also developed and implemented strategies specifically designed to increase financial participation in PAC's. 

Additionally we have refined strategies and programs to help businesses and associations maximize the use of member contributions.  The ability to raise funds and use those funds more efficiently increases the potential for influence exponentially.